No more Overwhelm
Say goodbye to information overload. Web3Assembly empowers a community of users to create andvote for the best way to learn eliminating false or scattered information.
Crowdsource the fastest route
Utilizing advanced stratified model for multimedia knowledge organizing. Providing clear learning path for learner, and rapid feedback for creator.
Rewarded to Design
Every contribution matters. Popular creators and active supporters will be rewarded, individuals and the community will grow and benefit together
Transparency Guaranteed
Every change, update, and validation is recorded, providing complete transparency and traceability of the nodes within the knowledge tree.

Anyone can submit transactions: adding new nodes, commenting on existing ones, or establishing new brunch
Transactions are broadcasted to the network of participants. Validators assess the correctness, relevance, and adherence to predefined rules.

Consensus is achieved among a community of participants. Once the threshold is met, the transaction is accepted, and the knowledge tree is updated.
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Be a part of designing the best way to learn!